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Compex Muscle Stimulators
We stay ahead of the game
As well as renting the Compex Muscle Stimulation to aid recovery Post- Operative we are now offering the Cryo-Cuff IC Ice Machine. This fantastic piece of equipment can help reduce swelling and pain significantly which improves recovery. More information can be found below.
The Compex is the market leader in Electrical Muscle Stimulation and has been around since 1986. The Compex is a small handheld piece of equipment, that uses electric impulses to your motor nerves making the muscle contract. This is very simple and reproduces the same processes that occur when your brain sends signals to the motor nerves to contract muscles. Simply put, Muscle Stimulation trains your muscles in a way that traditional workouts alone cannot. Thus the Compex can provoke deeper and more complete muscle contraction than normal training giving you great gains.
Compex can target specific muscles you cannot during exercise helping to increase strength, endurance, and recovery. This means you can work a muscle hard without loading joints, giving gains when normal exercise and rehabilitation won't. It can even target your slow-twitch Type 1 or fast-twitch Type 2a or Type 2b fibres giving you a real edge in rehabilitation and performance, thus is used at all premiership football and rugby clubs being ahead of the game.
Benefits in Sporting or training performance
When Compex Muscle Stimulation is added to your training, it helps maximize your muscular effort by engaging a greater percentage of muscle fibers. More recruitment means greater gains.
Clinical studies have found that using the Compex Muscle Stim can help build muscle and provide a range of performance-enhancing effects. These are increasing muscle density, improving VO2, increasing strength, and power output. It has been shown that you can increase strength by 27%, Explosiveness by 15%, and Vertical jump height by 14% by undergoing a complex program with your normal resistance training. These are all highly significant numbers in maximizing sporting performance which is why the Compex is used by many elite athletes.
Benefits for Sports Injury
Recovery from an injury can be slow as we need the tissue to heal and then increase strength and the ability to load. The Compex can aid significantly. By reducing muscle spasms, increasing blood flow we can then get more transportation of nutrients that can aid in the laydown of collagen impacting healing and removing waste products. furthermore, we can reduce muscle atrophy and active the slow-twitch fibres improving endurance, and then gradually recruit the fast-twitch muscle fibres as you progress. One of the benefits of the compex in Sports Injuries is we can improve the contraction ability, strengthen and increase a muscles size without having to load or move the injured tissue. These benefits can help you progress faster through your rehabilitation plan.
Rehab Video 1 with Compex. Ankle
Rehab Video 2 with Compex. Shoulder.
Rehab Video 3 with Compex. Back
Benefits Post Operative
As any injury requires rest time and offloading the same is postoperative. Due to this, we get a high amount of muscle atrophy and weakness. We may also be advised not to load the affected joint or structure. You may be in crutches, using a brace, a sling thus to try and improve muscle size, strength, stability can be very difficult in normal circumstances.
With the compex we can quickly reduce muscle atrophy, start to help muscle hypertrophy, and start to strengthen the muscle keeping the limb still. We can then give the injured joint the support it requires while protecting the wound and the surgery. You can do all of this while resting and sitting in the most comfortable you find. Remember your muscles can't tell the difference if you're using Muscle Stimulation or lifting weights, however, the non-weight bearing element of Muscle Stimulation means your joints will not be irritable and will be grateful. If you improve your muscular system then when you can start to load you will have less pain and be able to progress smoother without pain.
Once you are progressing you will then be moving and using the compex while you work out, further improving strength and function. It then becomes a training tool that can be used while you are undergoing resistance work at home or in the gym.
The compex is a piece of equipment advised by many of the world's leading surgeons post-operative. I have used that working at Chelsea FC, LTA and in all areas of professional sport.
Post Operative Video 1 with Compex Knee
Benefits for Pain
The compex can also be used to aid in the reduction of pain. There are programmes specifically designed for this area. There are TENS that is used frequently for sensorial pain blocking. TENS only work on the skin surface and aid in reducing the sensation of pain.
The compex also has pain relief programmes that will illicit a small muscle contraction to help reduce muscle spasms, release the body only endorphins, improve blood flow and extracting exudates. This can also help in the reduction of back pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, neck pain and others.
if you are interested in using the compex for your post-operative rehab or want to try one before purchasing one then you can rent a compex on a weekly basis. We rent out the SP 4.0 model.
Rental Prices:
£30.00 1 week
£55.00 2 weeks
£75.00 3 weeks
£100.00 4 weeks
You will be given a Rental contract and will sign a rental agreement for the period rented. All instructions are given prior to rental and advice is given as required.
Compex may be purchased by clients of the clinic.
Cryo-Cuff IC
Ice Machine Rental
The Air cast Cryo-Cuff Ice machine is a piece of equipment advised by many surgeons and sports physicians for injury and post-operative care. Cryo Cuff has the goal of significantly improving the entire cooling or “icing” process of your post-surgical recovery.
It is is an easy to use device that circulates ice cold water to provide cold therapy combining the therapeutic benefits of controlled compression reducing swelling, pain and help improve your recovery aiding your progression
One of the difficulties post-operative is swelling and muscle inhibition. Swelling increases pain and reduces movement and the ability for muscles to contract thus reducing your recovery. By using the Cry-Cuff IC, it will reduce the amount of times you have to get up for ice packs but the IC (Intermittent Compression) also helps in providing gentle compression while Icing and cooling the area which some studies show is beneficial.
The Cryo Cuff Cooler holds water and ice needed for 6-8 hours of cryotherapy - much longer than an ice pack. The Cryo-Cuff comes with a tube assembly, and insulation disk and with simple-to-follow directions for use.
​ If you care to rent or discuss please contact us.

if you are interested in using the Cryo-Cuff IC Ice rental Machine for your post-operative rehab please call to discuss to further information
Rental Prices:
£15.00 1 week
£25.00 2 weeks
£40.00 3 weeks
£50.00 4 weeks
You will be given a Rental contract and will sign a rental agreement for the period rented. All instructions are given prior to rental and advice is given as required.​